Thursday, December 29, 2022

Plastic Bottles

I have problems growing some plants for a number of reasons, but primarily heavy rain or out of season. To compensate I cover them with a plastic bottle with the bottom cut out. This creates a little protective greenhouse. The seedlings above are Cilantro (Pakuchi). I have tons of seed and kept planting them. They would sprout, but every time there was a heavy rain they would die. The rain drops just destroyed them. Now that I've covered them they are growing just fine. Covering the seeds once planted is another way to grow plants that are out of season. I want to grow Cilantro year round and will try this technique for a year. Stay tuned!
It's hard to see what is inside this bottle, but it is lettuce. As with the Cilantro, they are delicate and need some protection when they first sprout.
The larger bottle contains a tomato plant sucker. I pinched it off another plant and stuck it in the soil nearly two months ago. It did not die, but it was not growing. I covered it about two weeks ago and it suddenly started to grow quickly, plus it looks super healthy. Giving your seedlings a strong head start should result in a productive plant.

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