Friday, December 16, 2022

Guava (White and Red)

This white Guava tree only had one fruit, so I expected it to be huge.
Once the fruit started to turn light green, I wrapped it to protect it from birds and other pests.
The fruit dropped two days ago. As I suspected, it was huge. The average red Guava is between 70-150 grams. Even a 200-250 gram Guava is considered large, so this is massive.
Well, I ate this Guava yesterday (12/19) and as I suspected it was super sweet and creamy. The taste of this type of Guava is much different to the standard red Guava. I wish everyone could experience the flavor and texture of this type of Guava.
The red Guava tree is full of fruit. It is starting to get cool, so these fruit will take a while to grow. I will start to wrap the fruit soon to protect them from birds and other pests. 

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