Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Potting Mix

I have two types of potting soil. Both are fine, but this brand has more organic material and may need some red clay balls to ensure better drainage. This soil is great for nutrient hungry plants, like tomatoes.
This soil has some red clay bits mixed in and is pretty much ready to use. 
I add 5% red clay balls (medium size) to my soil (potting mix) to promote better drainage and add some extra minerals to the soil. Plants need nutrients from organic material and fertilizer, but also need minerals, such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), zinc, copper and the like. Most newly bought potting soils have most of the nutrients and minerals your plants will need to get started, but to give your mix a boost you can add mineral pellets, which is discussed below.  
Fertilizer is an important organic component. When I buy fertilizer, I always open the bag and let it sit a couple weeks before I use it. You do not need to add fertilizer to new potting mix since the potting mix generally contains most of the nutrients your plants will need to get started, plus there is a risk that fertilizer may burn the roots of young seedlings. I add one or two handfuls of fertilizer to the top soil of my plants after a few weeks and once they start to grow leaves, but not when they are fruiting. I also use fertilizer to rejuvenate soil I am going to recycle (5%), like with sweet potatoes. Solid fertilizer takes time to break down, so a good source to add to soil for the long term, but plants can get a nutrient boost from liquid and EM fertilizers.
This is concentrated liquid fertilizer. I will water my plants once a week with liquid fertilizer, if I have no EM fertilizer. So this is my back-up. See EM fertilizer below.
This is homemade Effective Microorganism (EM) fertilizer. EM fertilize is different from standard fertilize that simply adds nutrients to the soil; instead, EM fertilizer promotes the grow and health of beneficial microorganisms that plants need to stay healthy. EM fertilizer is easy to make with some molasses, water and EM fertilizer concentrate. There are tons of videos on YouTube on how to make EM fertilizer. I water my plants with EM fertilizer once a week. 
These are mineral pellets (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K)). They last a while and I add a handful every couple of months. There are different amounts depending on the type of plant, but I grow so many types I just get something in the middle.
This is a pesticide. I really do not like to use this since it is harmful to beneficial insects as well, but there are times I must; for example, spider mites, mealybugs and nettle caterpillars. I generally inspect my plants and remove pests by hand when I find them, but spider mites and mealybugs are too numerous by the time you find them and nettle caterpillars are painful. When I must, I will spray in the evening once all the pollinators are gone.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Second Floor Balcony

Green Beans
Bitter Melon (Goya)
Edamame (Soy Bean)
Satsumaimo (Japanese Sweet Potato)
Beni Imo (Japanese Sweet Potato)
Spring Onion
Green Peppers. These green Peppers got stressed due to pests and the heat, so I removed all the fruit, trimmed the branches and added some nutrients and fertilizer. I will keep them in a semi-shaded area for a while until they recover. They should start producing new leaves and blossoms in about a month. 

Front Yard

I created a sitting area in the front of my house and surrounded it with beautiful plants.

Some beautiful flower arrangements my wife prepared for the entrance of the house.
Dracaena Garden.
Citrus tress (Shikuwasa, Kinkan, Mikan, Orange, Grapefruit), plus Canistel, Papa, Guava and Strawberry Guava. Some of the tress are fruiting.  

Backyard Jungle

A picture of my backyard Jungle from my balcony.
In the midst of this jungle is a Banana tree, two Canistel trees, Mango tree, Shikuwasa tree and many Dracaena and flowers.

Dragon Fruit

(07/20) These are the last flowers for now. I pollinated them using some pollen I stored in the refrigerator, so curious to see if the pollen was viable after two days. In total, I have 11 fruit on the plant, but not sure all will mature.


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Dragon Fruit

These three flowers bloomed the evening (10pm) of 17 July. I was able to pollinate them and will know if I was successful in a few days.
Now I mentioned in a previous post that I was gong to remove some of the flowers on this branch to allow the fruit to grow larger, but decided to keep them on to demonstrate the results.  
The following pictures are from flowers I pollinated on 5 July. There is only one fruit on this branch and it is already large.

Guava (Red and Strawberry)

Today I found one red Guava and four Strawberry Guava.

Passion Fruit (Jam)

I used the last 25 Passion Fruit to make jam. This will be the last batch for the season. 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Dragon Fruit (Update)

The Dragon Fruit flowers I did not pollinate on 4 July fell off, but all the flowers I pollinated on 5 July are growing quickly.
These fruit will be ready to pick on 5 August.