Friday, April 16, 2021

Surinam Cherry Tree (Brazilian Cherry Tree) Fruit

I planted Surinam Cherry seeds in June 2019. The research I did stated that it will take around 5-years to produce fruit, but I suspect due to the favorable climate in this region these trees fruited in less than 2-years. Surinam Cherry trees are a cute plant, so I planted them primarily as ornamental plants in my garden; however, they produce fruit and are drought tolerant, which makes them even more desirable. I've done the same with Goumi trees. They are a beautiful tree, plus they produce delicious Goumi berries. 
Many people mix up Acerola and Surinam cherries, but they are different in both appearance and taste. From what I understand there are red and dark purple varieties of Surinam Cherries (also known as Brazilian Cherry). As they ripen they change colors. The verity I planted are red, but I understand the dark purple are sweeter, but I'm looking forward to taste testing my fruit in a few years.

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