Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Acerola Cherry Jam

I picked 840 grams (1.85 lbs) of Acerola Cherries and made jam today. After washing them I removed all the seeds and ended up with 585 grams of pulp. I boiled the seeds to extract a little pectin, which I would add to my receipt.
I blended the pulp, a tablespoon of villa extract and 218 grams of sugar (45% the weight of the pulp) until smooth. It gets a little foamy, so had to wait until it settled to cook. I placed the blended mix and pectin in a sauce pan and cooked on low heat for about 20 minutes until it got to the consistency I wanted.  
I ended up with 545 grams of jam. I added to jars, let cool and placed them in the refrigerator.

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