Friday, June 26, 2020

Eggplant (Nasu)

I planted these Graffiti Eggplants (Nasu) last September, which makes them nearly 10 months old. Each time I harvest the fruit I cut off all the leaves and add fertilizer and within days the plants start to grow new leaves and flower. This is the forth time this plant has flowered. 
I planted this new Italian Eggplant (Nasu) a month ago and it is already producing fruit. 

Mikan Orange and Kumquat (Kinkan)

Mikan and Kinkan fruit developing well. 

Bitter Melon (Goya, Nigauri)


Green Peppers and Paprika (Red Peppers)

My original Green Pepper (Piman) plant is still doing well, but not very productive. It is now 15 months old. Recently I trimmed it, removed all the leaves and added some fertilizer and it is just starting to develop new leaf growth and has a few Peppers.
I planted these plants in early October, which makes them about 8 months old. Both are doing well and full of Peppers.
(6/16)                                                              (6/22)
I planted Paprika seeds in early June and transplanted two of the seedlings to larger planters.

(6/22) Paprika 1 
(6/22) Paprika 2

Monday, June 22, 2020

Mango (Apple Mango)

Apple Mango
(6/22) I planted the seed from an Apple Mango today. I have attempted to grow Mango from seed several times, but have always failed. Unfortunately, Mango grown from seed take 5-8 years to bear fruit, so this is going to be a long term investment.

Side Yard

(6/21) I had a little grass on the side of my house, but got tired of all the mosquitoes and snails so covered it with landscaping material and mulch. Much better. Less pests and no grass to cut. You can see a little green towards the top right, but that is not grass, but rather a succulent plant I like to put around the base of my plants. You can see this plant surrounding the mini rose bush towards the bottom.

Herbs (Mint Post)

(6/20) Previously I had my Mint plants handing on a fence, but the plants were under extreme stress due to the direct sun light, so I built this pole to hang them on and they are doing much better.

Malabar Spinach

(6/22) I planted some of the seeds from the Malabar Spinach plant I planted in early June. The seeds sprouted in mid-June and growing quickly.
(7/8) It's been about 2 weeks and the Malabar Spinach growing quickly.

I have four more Malabar Spinach seedlings and two Yellow Passion Fruit seedlings. 

Bitter Melon (Goya, Nigauri)

(6/21) I was working in the back of the house and found this huge Bitter Melon (Goya, Nigauri) sitting on the top of my planter. 

Red Cucumber (Moi)

(6/20) I planted a few Red Cucumber seeds in early April, but only one plant survived. For more than a month it grew slowly, but finally started to take off. I wish more plants survived. 


(6/17) I continue to pinch down the branches of the Peanut plant and it keeps growing. I hope this plant creates many Peanuts.

Soybean (Edamame)

(6/17) Soybean plants typically grow to a height of 2 ft (61 cm), but my plants are well over 3 ft (91 cm).
(6/20) Starting to develop seed pods.

Seed Stock (Basil)

Had to purchase new bags to store basil seed since I gathered so much (52 grams / 1.8 oz).

Mesclun Mix

Mesclun is a mix of seven salad vegetables (Arugula, Endive, Red Kale, Red and Green Romaine, Salad Bowl and Lolla Rossa Lettuce) to create a colorful and healthy salad crop. 

Passion Fruit

I allow my Passion Fruit to fully mature and fall off the vine naturally. The fruit on the left naturally fell off the vine. You can eat the fruit immediately, but the fruit may be a little sour. For the sweetest taste, it is best allow the fruit to shrivel and ferment. 

Seeding Tray

(6/20) I planted Passion Fruit, Crown Daisy and Malabar Spinach seeds about a week ago and the Malabar Spinach seeds are starting to sprout.

Cucumber (Kyuri)

(06/16) My Cucumber (Kyuri) plants are starting to bear fruit, but I lost a few to caterpillars. It took a few days of careful inspection, but think I removed them all. There are many cucumbers and the plants are still flowering, so expect a huge harvest.

Today's Harvest (20 Harvest)

Green Pepper (Piman)

Today's Harvest (19 June)

Tomatoes, Okra

Today's Harvest (18 June)

Peach, Bush Beans (Ingen, String Beans)

Today's Harvest (16 June)

Bitter Melon (Goya, Nigauri), Bush Beans (Ingen, String Beans), Acerola Cerries, Beets

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Seeding Tray

(6/16) Passion Fruit (Yellow), Crown Daisy (Shungiku), Malabar spinach. 

Soybean (Edamame)

(6/14) My Soybean (Edamame) plants are starting to flower. 

Paprika (Red Peppers)

(6/16) I sewed Paprika seeds a few weeks ago and they are growing well, so have selected a few of the strongest seedlings to transplant.
I transplanted this plant about a week ago.

Green Peppers (Piman)

(6/13) I planted this Green Pepper (Piman) plant in March of last year making it about 15 months old. It still looks healthy, but need to rejuvenate it. So, I cute off all the leaves and added some nutrients and fertilizer. It's starting to grow new leaves, but I decided to start a few more plants about six months ago and just recently transplanted them.
This is one of the plants I recently transplanted and it has a few Peppers and lots of flowers. 
This is the second plant I transplanted. There are no Peppers yet, but it is flowering.

Malabar Spinach

(6/14) The Malabar Spinach plant I planted a few weeks ago did not make it, but I was able to collect and dry a hand full of seeds. I planted a few about a week ago and they have already started to sprout. Now I went back to the nursery I purchased this plant from and one of the vines had grown up a water hose suspected from the top of the green house and started to grow across the steel rafters. Now it grew about 20-25 feet in about two weeks. I now realize how fast this plant grows and need to get moving to suspect some ropes from my second from balcony to allow this plant to grow, because it grows to very fast. I'll post some updates once I get the ropes suspected.

Today's Harvest (13 June)

Bush Beans (String Beans, Ingen), Acerola

Today's Harvest (14 June)


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Cucumber (Kyuri)

(6/11) I have my first Cucumber (Kyuri) of the season. The plants are full of flowers and the bees are all over, so expect many more to come.


I have another Peach almost ready to pick. This one is larger than the last.