Thursday, July 20, 2023

Dragon Fruit

Well, it has been 30 days exactly since I pollinated these Dragon Fruit and they are ready to pick.
The fruit can be left on the plant a few extra days, but there is the possibility that pests, like bats or birds, will damage them, but more likely they will start to slit open.
There are 13 fruit on the plant. I lost all six when the plant first blossomed, because I could not find pollen. I lost another three during this blossom due to rain. In the end I got these 13 and should get another 10-20 in August.

I thought I was going to have and wait until the end of August or September for the next batch of fruit, but the plant is already starting to bud. There are buds all over. I might get two more harvests this year. 

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