Monday, February 27, 2023

Green Peppers (Piman)

I purchased two Green Pepper (Piman) plants yesterday and planted them where I could find some spare space. Also, to the right is a Celery plant. Snails nearly eat the entire plant two weeks ago, so I went out for several nights and removed the snails. I'm keeping an eye on the plant, but have not found any more snails and the plant has made an amazing recovery. 
I planted the second Green Pepper plant is an old container that was sitting around for a while. The soil was so dry it was like stone, but I managed to chisel out a hole and added some new soil and nutrients at the bottom. Green Pepper plants do not need a lot of soil or sun. One of my first Pepper plants was in a small flower pot, much smaller than this and it lived for more than two years and produced over 100 beautiful Peppers. I simply added nutrients every couple of months, watered it and kept it in a semi-shaded area. 

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