Monday, February 27, 2023


All the Tomato plants look healthy and growing quickly. 
All the cherry Tomato plants are full of flowers and if you look closely you can see fruit in the middle of the plant.
These cherry Tomatoes are doing well. I am starting to see tons of fruit recently.
These beefsteak Tomatoes are doing well. I wrapped eight mature Tomatoes and there are some smaller ones at the top of the plant I will wrap as soon as they get a little bigger.

Green Peppers (Piman)

I purchased two Green Pepper (Piman) plants yesterday and planted them where I could find some spare space. Also, to the right is a Celery plant. Snails nearly eat the entire plant two weeks ago, so I went out for several nights and removed the snails. I'm keeping an eye on the plant, but have not found any more snails and the plant has made an amazing recovery. 
I planted the second Green Pepper plant is an old container that was sitting around for a while. The soil was so dry it was like stone, but I managed to chisel out a hole and added some new soil and nutrients at the bottom. Green Pepper plants do not need a lot of soil or sun. One of my first Pepper plants was in a small flower pot, much smaller than this and it lived for more than two years and produced over 100 beautiful Peppers. I simply added nutrients every couple of months, watered it and kept it in a semi-shaded area. 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Thursday, February 23, 2023


Strawberries are in season and my. My plants are full of flowers and I'm getting Strawberries of all sizes.

Once a Strawberry starts to turn red I place it in a small plastic bag with a slit in it to protect it from birds and other insects, plus it keeps the outside of the fruit smooth. If left to ripen without protection, the skin gets a little dry and the seeds protrude. 

Pakuchi (Cilantro, Coriander)

These Pakuchi (Cilantro) plants are finally starting to mature. I made Tacos today and cut the mature stems for use as a topping. Since the leaves were fresh and not sitting on a supermarket shelf for a few days, the aroma was powerful. These plants will continue to grow for another month, but I have already planted new seeds to begin a new harvest. 


My Tomato plants are doing well. A majority of these cherry Tomato plants are self-seeded. Some of the plants already have Tomatoes, while most are full of flowers.
This is one of the beefsteak Tomato plants. The fruit are getting large, so I covered them with plastic bags after this picture to protect them from the birds.
These are beefsteak Tomato plants I grew from suckers. They are doing great and full of flowers and one plant has fruit.

Biwa (Loquat)

The Biwa (Loquat) fruit finally ripened, so I picked and ate them immediately. I should have taken a picture to show what they look like inside, but I was so excited to try them. The skin was really easy to peal; however, the seeds are quite large, so not a lot to eat. The were were very good and sort of taste like an apricot. These fruit come from a tree in a pot. I have a much large tree in the back growing in the ground, so I anticipate many fruit next year. I am looking forward to getting many fruit and making jam. I will also give some to my neighbors and co-workers, which I generally do with the fruit I grow.


Birds were picking at the rip Bananas, so I covered them with a plastic bag.
Within a week of covering the Bananas with a plastic bag they ripened. 
 I removed the Bananas and took them inside. I ate a few and they were absolutely perfect. The Bananas were solid with no blemishes and sweet. I separated them into bunches of 10 and gave them to my neighbors with kids. The neighbor kids were watching the fruit grow and kept asking when they would be ready. I hope they like them.

String Bean

Getting a handful of String Beans about once a week.

Monday, February 13, 2023


Celery is doing wonderfully.


I cut down and hung these Bananas about a week ago and they are now starting to ripen, but I can see signs that bats are visiting. All part of living in a subtropical region. 

Monday, February 6, 2023

Biwa (Loquat)

The Biwa (Loquat) fruit are starting to mature and pulling the branches down. The birds have already gotten a few of the fruit, so I will wrap them soon.


I removed the Bananas from the back of the house and hung them up to ripen. This was a small tree that got blown over during a typhoon, so surprised it even produced. This is about one third what I would normally get from a healthy tree. Anyway, after removing the Bananas, I cut down the tree to allow the pups to get more sun and grow. I should get more Bananas in about a year.  

Spearmint (Herbs)

I trimmed my Spearmint plants and made tea. The taste of fresh mint tea is quite refreshing, especially with Thin Mint cookies from the  Girl Scouts.  


The beefsteak Tomato plants are starting to produce fruit. I bought two plants, but planted suckers I pinched from these plants and now have five more. One of the sucker plants is flowering.

String Beans

My String Bean plants are starting to produce beans.
I should start to get a handful of beans every few days.


Celery is getting large enough to start using.  
It is large enough to pick, but still soft and tender.