Wednesday, November 16, 2022


This Hibiscus bush is doing well and full of flowers. Hibiscus flowers only last a day, so quite surprised to see all the flowers everyday. 

Peach Tree

This Peach tree is blossoming again. I have not had great success with this tree due to all the rain in my region. So, I plan to keep it under the second floor balcony to prevent it from getting too much rain and see if that makes a difference. Stay tuned.

Biwa (Loquat) Tree

Recently I found flower buds on my Biwa (Loquat) tree. I planted these seeds in the summer of 2020, so surprised to see them flowering. I planted another sapling in the back of the house and it is huge, but no buds. I'm surprised to see this tree fruiting so soon.
If you like apricots, plums or peaches, you will enjoy loquats. They taste like a plum, apricot and cherry with a floral aroma.

Mint (Spearmint)

I cut this Spearmint back to about 3 in (8 cm) 2-3 months ago and transplanted some of the cuttings. I now have three new containers of Spearmint, but this plant grew back quickly and now larger than the transplanted cuttings. I need to trim it back again, but this time I will use all the cuttings to make tea. I do not need any more Spearmint plants :) 

Mint (Lemon Balm)

This Lemon Balm mint is doing so well and getting large. I need to take some clippings and start some new plants. 

Orchid Flower

This Orchid has been sitting in the corner just getting prettier and prettier. 


I bought this Moringa tree sapling 6-8 weeks ago. It is extremely hardy and can endure heavy rain or dry periods. It is already starting to grow new shoots. I bought this tree for the leaves which have so many medicinal benefits. 

Moringa is considered a super food and contains many essential vitamins and minerals the human body requires, not to mention it is low in fats and contains no harmful cholesterol.

• vitamin A

• vitamin B1 (thiamine)

• B2 (riboflavin)

• B3 (niacin), B-6

• folate and ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

• calcium

• potassium

• iron

• magnesium

• phosphorus

• zinc

The leaves can be dried and turned into a power that resembles Green tea and is used around the world for many purposes, such has:

• Protecting and nourishing skin and hair

• Treating edema

• Protecting the liver

• Preventing and treating cancer

 Treating stomach complaints

 Fighting against bacterial diseases

 Making bones healthier

• Treating mood disorders

 Protecting the cardiovascular system

 Helping wounds to heal

 Treating diabetes

 Treating asthma

 Protecting against kidney disorders

 Reducing high blood pressure

 Improving eye health

 Treating anemia and sickle cell disease

Banana Tree

These Bananas are developing well. but slowly. I cut the flower bell off early since this tree was so small and close to the ground, so I will not get as many Bananas as normal; however, it looks like there it probably 70-80 on the stock. There are two pups behind this tree that are growing well, so should get more Bananas next year. 

Dragon Fruit

When I left for vacation two weeks ago there were two green Dragon Fruit on the plant. They were due to ripen just before my return, but I was hoping they would last and the bats would not eat them. Well, they made it with a little damage, and they were delicious. 
They were quite large too. I only had a few on the plant, so the plant could put a lot of energy into them.
Just before I left I pollinated seven flowers and three made it. The fruit is already developed and should be ready to pick in about two weeks. Remember, it takes Dragon Fruit 30 days to mature from the day it is pollinated with a 3-5 day variance. This is the third time this season they produced fruit. As mentioned before, Dragon Fruit blossom for a five month period each year. In my region that is typically between May and September, but this year it was June to October. 

Guava (White)

This Guava (white) tree has one fruit. The tree is putting all it's energy into this one fruit, so I suspect it will be extremely large and sweet. I can't wait to try it.

Guava (Red)

When I went on vacation two weeks ago this Guava tree was in full bloom and I thought upon my return I would have tons of fruit on the tree, but they are not growing as fast as I anticipated. I suspect the Papaya tree that grow beside this Guava tree is shading it out. I think I need to cut down the Papaya tree....again.