Thursday, January 13, 2022


This Peppermint plant is one of the first Mint plants I started. It is perhaps two years old. I had it on my second floor balcony and forgot about it. When I noticed it there was just a small stub sticking out of the soil. I added some fertilizer and started to water it regularly and in a few weeks it started to grow. It has such a strong and wonderful Peppermint aroma and now starting to generate runners.
I started to propagated these Mint plants about two months ago and now that it is starting to get cool they are thriving. I propagate them by simply pinching off a piece of Mint from another plant and sticking it directly in the soil. I water it everyday for about 10 days or whenever I notice it starting to wilt. Top down (Spearmint, Apple Mint, Apple Mint, Spearmint).
Top down (Aztec Sweet Mint, Strawberry Mint, Chocolate Mint, Spearmint, Cool Mint).
This is a spare planter I had sitting around that has Sage, Cool Mint and Spearmint). 
This container has Cool Mint in it. I thought it all died and was going to repurpose the container. I moved the container to a different area that got rain and the plants started to grow new leaves. 
I sat a container of Cool Mint inside another larger container to make space and forgot about it. The roots have grow through the bottom of the container and went crazy. I use this plant primarily for tea since it has so much and grows back quickly.
I moved my Herb Pole to the side of my house and now only grow Mint. I'm growing Apple Mint, Banana Mint, Strawberry Mint, Mojito Mint and Spearmint here.
This is the other side. 

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