Monday, January 31, 2022

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Guava (Red)

Some Guava are starting to ripen. They ripen quickly and just fall off of tree, which is another reason I wrap them. 

The aroma is wonderful.


Starting to see lots of Asparagus spears. This is the first year of growth, so will not pick any spears. Next year I will pick half and the third year I can pick them all. Now that they are starting to mature I need to keep an eye out for pests, like Asparagus beetles.
There are a host of pests that can infest Asparagus plants, like Asparagus beetles. They like to lay their eggs in the dried stocks of the Asparagus plant, so it is important to remove weeds and any dried stocks when you see them. Another way to protect your plants is to keep them healthy. Add well matured mulch and fertilizer to the top soil. Asparagus plants develop a large root ball that can produce for decades if properly cared for.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

String Beans (Ingen)

I got another handful of String Beans since I last picked them four days ago. I also have a few more beans I'm ready to plant to keep them going. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Mixed Vegetables


Daikon Radish

Nasturtium Flower

Nasturtium flowers are in bloom. They are pretty, look good in salads and taste great. 


Guava (Red)

Some Guava are getting larger, so I decided to wrap them to prevent birds from damaging them. 
Additionally, Guava ripen quickly and fall off the tree. The bags are tied to the branch so they do not fall to the ground and create additional damage. Sometimes I can see the Guava at the bottom of the bag when it falls, but most often I can simply smell it. When perfectly rip, Guava produce a wonderful aroma.

Tomato (Cherry and Beef Steak)

These beef steak Tomatoes are growing quickly, but not sure how large they will get. They are supposed to be medium size, but fun to watch them grow.
More beef steak Tomatoes
These are some cherry Tomato plants that self seeded from the last crop. You can see the two brown marks on the top Tomato. This is from birds testing them (haha). I should put a net over them.
This is a new self seeded cherry Tomato plant. I clipped down all the seedlings except for one. I have 10 planters of self seeded cherry tomatoes all about the same size.


Staring to see some Strawberries.

Surinam Cherry Tree (Brazilian Cherry Tree) Fruit

Starting to see Surinam Cherry blossoms. The bushes have tons of buds so anticipate lots of Cherries.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Banana Pups

I dug up these two Banana Pups from my back yard on the 17th. I removed the leaves, except one, and placed them in a cool dry place to dry out a bit. I planted them in planters on the 20th. On the 24th they are looking good. I will transplant them to the ground once I start to see roots coming out the bottom of the planters. 

Red Radish

This Red Radishes are maturing and I'm trying to pick them before they get too big. I've already planted more seeds and have a few new sprouts.

Green Peppers (Piman)

Both my Green Pepper plants are doing well and producing fruit. Both plants are flowering, so expect tons of Peppers.
The Pepper at the top and this one are large enough to pick, but I'll let them on the plants until I need them.

String Beans (Ingen)

My String Bean plants are finally starting to produce. I'm getting a handful of beans every few days, which is perfect for my needs. I will plant a few more beans to get some plants started for continuous production. 

Monday, January 17, 2022


There are over 120 verities of Dracaena. I have about 30 types and growing. Here are 10 new types I am propagating.

Surinam Cherry Tree (Brazilian Cherry Tree) Fruit

These Surinam Cherry trees (bushes) are starting to blossom. I have four bushes and three have buds. These bushes are not even three years old. I got a few Cherries last year, but I see many more buds this year.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Mango Tree (Kitsu or Keitt)

This Mango tree is starting to flower. I cut off all the flowers two years ago to allow the tree to grow and last year the tree did not flower, so I expect a good season this year and hope I get many delicious Mangos.

Guava (Red)

The Red Guava are getting larger and I can see from the brown marks that the birds are testing them :) I need to start wrapping them to protect them.


Only one of the Strawberry plants produced Strawberries, but they look healthy.

Passion Fruit (Purple)


This Purple Passion Fruit plant has about 40 fruit. They blossomed at different times and the first first should be ready to harvest in about a month.


The Asparagus planted on 16 December is doing well. Just a couples years to harvest :)

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Green Pepper (Piman)

If you recall from my 26 December post I removed the Green Peppers from this plant to promote flowering and you can see it worked.  

Herbs (Cilantro, Pakuchi, Coriander)

These two Pakuchi plants bolted and now flowering. I will collect the seeds and add them to my seed stock for next season's planting.


These Celery plants were planted in early October and growing well, but I've already started to use them so they do not look as large as they should.
Planted on 26 November.
Planted on 26 November.


This Peppermint plant is one of the first Mint plants I started. It is perhaps two years old. I had it on my second floor balcony and forgot about it. When I noticed it there was just a small stub sticking out of the soil. I added some fertilizer and started to water it regularly and in a few weeks it started to grow. It has such a strong and wonderful Peppermint aroma and now starting to generate runners.
I started to propagated these Mint plants about two months ago and now that it is starting to get cool they are thriving. I propagate them by simply pinching off a piece of Mint from another plant and sticking it directly in the soil. I water it everyday for about 10 days or whenever I notice it starting to wilt. Top down (Spearmint, Apple Mint, Apple Mint, Spearmint).
Top down (Aztec Sweet Mint, Strawberry Mint, Chocolate Mint, Spearmint, Cool Mint).
This is a spare planter I had sitting around that has Sage, Cool Mint and Spearmint). 
This container has Cool Mint in it. I thought it all died and was going to repurpose the container. I moved the container to a different area that got rain and the plants started to grow new leaves. 
I sat a container of Cool Mint inside another larger container to make space and forgot about it. The roots have grow through the bottom of the container and went crazy. I use this plant primarily for tea since it has so much and grows back quickly.
I moved my Herb Pole to the side of my house and now only grow Mint. I'm growing Apple Mint, Banana Mint, Strawberry Mint, Mojito Mint and Spearmint here.
This is the other side. 

Friday, January 7, 2022

Red Radish

I planted Radish seeds on 06 December and a month later a few are ready to hardest. They are a little small, but will grow larger in a few more days, but still ready to pick anytime.