Sunday, March 21, 2021

Passion Fruit (Purple and Yellow)

The Purple Passion Fruit growing on my balcony over a trellis is doing well and producing tons of fruit with hundreds of buds really to bloom. I'm pollinating on average 7-8 flowers a day and estimate I'm a little over 50% successful.
These are Yellow Passion Fruit in the back of my house. They have really started to grow and now wonder if I planted too many. In a year or two they may be unmanageable. I only have two vines on my balcony, but this trellis has five mature vines and three saplings. Stay tuned for updates.
These are the latest Purple Passion Fruit vines I planted in September 2020. They are growing well, but I have not seen any buds yet. 
I planted these three Purple Passion Fruit vines in March 2020. I pollinated two flowers and the vines are full of buds. 
These are some Yellow Passion Fruit vines I am preparing. I'm keeping them in a shaded location so they do not grow too fast. I plan to give some to my neighbor and will leave a few in this container to mature.


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