Sunday, August 30, 2020

Green Peppers (Piman)

(8/29) I have 4 Green Pepper (Piman) plants and producing well.

Myoga (Japanese Ginger)

I picked these Myoga (Japanese Ginger) a few days ago.

Above are a few Myoga, but I found many. 


Eggplant (Nasu)

(8/29) I planted Eggplant (Nasu) seeds from seed I got from my own stock on 2 August and two plants sprouted. I will transplant them to a larger container when they get a little taller.


(8/29) I planted seeds on 10 August and transplanted a few seedlings about a week ago. They are doing well.

Bitter Melon (Goya, Nigauri)

(8/30) The Bitter Melon (Goya, Nigauri) plants are growing well and starting to climb and flower.


Potato (Jagaimo)

(8/29) These Potatoes I planted in the beginning of August are doing fine. They should be ready to harvest in about 6 more weeks.

Japanese Sweet Potato (Beni Imo)

(8/29) The Japanese Sweet Potato (Beni Imo) slips (cuttings) I planted on 19 August seem to have rooted and starting to grow well. 

These Beni Imo plants are doing fine. These are not from slips (cuttings), but rather from tubers I planted in mid-July. 


My Peanut plants continue to grow and spread to the next container.

 Peanut flower.

Peanut flower peg. 

Cucumber (Kyuri)

My Cucumber (Kyuri) plant is doing well since I moved it to a more shaded area. I wish I moved it sooner. I had six plants originally, but only one left. 


Saturday, August 29, 2020

Watermelon (Suika)

(8/29) I planted these seeds about three weeks ago and they are growing quickly. My last batch of Watermelons did not grow very large, but they were sweet (level 12).  


Passion Fruit


(8/29) I started these clones in late March and they are growing quickly. I pinched off the end of the center vine and it has started to develop many off shoots.

Carrots (Ninjin)


(8/29) I planted Carrot seed about 10 days ago and they are sprouting. 



(8/29) I planted Beets about a month ago, but they died due to the heat, so I decided to try again. I moved the container and planted new seed 10 days ago and many are sprouting.  

Mikan Orange Tree (Propagate)

(8/29) My Miken Orange Tree was attacked by bark beetles and ate all the bark and Cambium at the base of the tree. The tree will not die so soon, but without the Cambium it will not be able to transport nutrients and will eventually die, so I took four cuttings to grow new trees. Below is a clone I made a few months ago using the Air Layer method, but I am trying a different technique. 

I took these cutting on 25 August. They are of branches that are new. They are green, but not soft and 4-6 inches long. I removed all the leaves, except one at the top, and cut that leaf in half. I cut the end on the cutting at an angle and dipped it in rooting hormone. I placed in a small pot with potting soil, watered, and covered with a plastic bag. I place the pot in water every other day and let it absorb water and remove. It should start rooting in 3-4 weeks and ready for transplant to a larger pot.  



(8/29) The Plumeria cuttings a doing fine. 


Passion Fruit (Slips)

(8/29) The purple Passion Fruit slips are doing fine.  

The yellow Passion Fruit seedlings are doing fine.

Okawakame (a kind of Madeira vine)

(8/29) I moved my Okawakame vine again and had to cut all the top growth. I harvested over 400 grams (nearly 1 pound) of leaves. Okawakame is a kind of Maderia vine. It has a sticky texture, similar to Okra. Boil the leaves for a few seconds, let cook and add Ponzu and Katsubushi (Bonito flakes) when you are ready to eat. Delicious!    

Red Cucumber (Moui)

(8/29) I am cleaning up my Herb garden and decided to harvest the Red Cucumbers (Moi). They each weigh 960 grams (2 pounds). I planted more seeds, but do not think they will sprout.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Papaya Tree


(8/24) I lost my last large Papaya Tree due to high winds in last night's tropical storm. It was a very productive tree, but I have another Papaya tree in the front of my house with tons on Papaya and I have a few others I started recently, so not all is lost. Now that this Papaya tree has fallen, perhaps my Banana and Avocado trees can grow. This Papaya tree was shading the area quite a bit since it was so large.

Snapped at the bottom.

You can see it was quite large.
It was laying across the road, so had to pull it onto my property.
Got the tree moved with the help of my neighbors. 
Going to have to clean up this mess after the wind and rain subside.

Canna Indica Flower (Canna Lily)

(8/24) Whenever I take a walk or travel I have a tendency to take seeds from flowers that I think are beautiful with the permission of the owner, of course. I have quite a large stash of seeds that I have no idea what they are and plant them little by little until they grow. This plant recently came up after months of planting. I am not 100% sure, but think it is a Canna flower. The Canna is originally from South America, but now grows in most tropical and sub-tropical regions. The flower has not completely bloomed, but I should be able to confirm the type once fully bloomed.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Red Cucumber (Moi)

(8/20) One of my Red Cucumbers (Moi) dropped.

This Moi is still maturing on the vine, but ready to harvest anytime.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Japanese Sweet Potato (Beni Imo)

(8/19) I harvested Japanese Sweet Potatoes (White Satsumaimo) from this container a few days ago, but planted Beni Imo slips instead. I still have two other containers of White Satsumaimo.


Japanese Sweet Potato (Purple Satsumaimo)

(8/19) I harvested the Japanese Sweet Potatoes (Purple Satsumaino) from this container on 4 August and replaced slips on 5 August and they have grown incredibly fast. 

Potato (Jagaimo)


(8/19) I planted eight red Potatoes, four in each container, 2-weeks ago on 4 August and they are starting to sprout.


This is the last Guava on the tree and it is another monster. I suspect it is 50% larger than the average Guava. 

(8/23) I ate this Guava today. It was so sweet and the gel inside was like eating honey. I am looking forward to getting more fruit next season. 



I visited a local market a few days ago and took this picture. Mango season is over and the farmers are trying to sell the last of their produce. This package costs roughly $63 (6,600 JYN) and contains three Mango types. The right (green) is called a Kitsu Mango and is perhaps the sweetest type. The middle (red) is an Apple Mango and the left (yellow) is a hybrid between the two. I am growing both the Apply and Kitsu Mango.

Acerola Cherry Tree (Barbados Cherry)

I picked these Acerola Cherries yesterday. I am picking them a little young because the Mealybug has attacked this tree and will damage the fruit if left to mature.

 This is today's harvest (8/19).

Japanese Sweet Potato (Satsumaimo)

(8/18) I planted these slips in mid-January.

I was able to harvest roughly 3 kg (6.6 lbs) of White Satsumaino (Japanese Sweet Potatoes). I have another container of these same potatoes and do not think I will replant this verity, but rather I think I will plant more Purple Beni Imo.

Bitter Melon (Goya, Nigauri)


(8/19) So many Bitter Melon (Goya, Nigauri) seeds sprouted the entire container was green, so I had to trim them down to just four plants. I was originally thinking to keep just two, but this container is deep and think it can support four if properly feed. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Spring Onion

(8/17) Got some Spring Onions from the supermarket. I cut the top end off for cooking and planted the bulb. They will regenerate new greens for months.

Red Cucumber (Moi)


(8/17) Red Cucumbers grow quickly. You can see the difference in just five days. I will let these become totally brownish-red and develop what looks like cracks before I harvest them, but they will stay fresh on the vine for weeks, so there's no need to rush to harvest them. Just leave them hang until you need one.

Plumeria (Propagate)


(8/14) I got a Y-shaped Plumeria cutting from a neighbor and was able to make two cuttings. I cut the ends at an angle and let them dry for about a week. Roots will grow from these ends directly and not from nodes like many other plants. Plumeria grow quickly from cuttings and should start to produce flowers in 2-3 years.

I placed a mesh at the bottom and filled with stones to help with drainage. You do not want mulch or other organic material at the bottom that may steal nitrogen or hold too much moister. Plumeria is a soft wood and will rot quickly.

I filled the planter with good quality potting soil with a mix of small stones.

I wet the end of the cutting.

I dipped the wet end in a rooting hormone.

I stuck the cutting in the soil 3-4 inches (8-10 cm) and watered well.

Repeated the process with the second cutting.