Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Side Yard Update

Everything in my Side Yard is doing fine.
This Avocado tree is roughly five years old and nearly 10 feet tall. I wish it would start to produce fruit, but it can take between 8 to 15 years when grown from seed.
These Celery stocks are doing fine considering the heat. We just break off what we need and let it continue to grow. I have two more stocks on my second floor balcony that I plan to move them here due to the heat.
This Red Cucumber (Moi) plant is doing well, but I have to keep the Clay-Colored Leaf Beetles off them. These beetles and the Mealy Bug are two of my worst pests.
Clay-Colored Leaf Beetle. 
On the left I have a Mint Herb post, a little ahead on the left I have some Passion Fruit cuttings, and ahead of that are some Succulent plants. Straight ahead are my main Passion Fruit vines, and to the right some roses, Lettuce, Kale, Aloe and you can see a little of the Shiso plants. 
From the bottom, empty planter, Shiso, Onions, empty planter, Basil and Garlic Chives sitting behind the round planter. The lower round planter has Okawakame and the taller round planter has Strawberries.

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