Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Micro Tomatoes

I was able to get a few Micro Tomatoes from a cooking class and planted one.
About a week after planting a Micro Tomato I could see the first sprout.
I dug up the Tomato with all the sprouts and transplanted five of them. This is day four and they are doing well.


The Peanut plants are back and doing well. They are unstoppable. 

Dragon Fruit

This Dragon Fruit plant has tons of flowers. After this picture I thinned them out. I only want one or two fruit per branch, so removed the smallest flowers. Also, I found a fruit on the plant that is growing well. I did not pollinate it, so something was able to successfully pollinate it. Wow!

Green Peppers (Piman)

This Green Pepper (Piman) plant produced a few Peppers, but during the recent typhoon I put the plant in the house and all the fruit and leaves fell off. As soon as I put it back outside it grew new leaves and started to flower. It actually looks healthier, so believe it will produce many fruit.


Bitter Melon (Goya, Nigauri)

The typhoon at the beginning of the month destroyed these Goya plants and all the fruit dropped. About a week later I could see the seeds on top of the soil start to grow roots, so was expecting this. I added some fertilizer and Goya plant food and these new plants look super healthy.

Japanese Sweet Potato (Beni Imo)

I planted these Japanese Sweet Potato slips (Beni Imo) on 1 December 2022. These are a white variety, but when baked they will become a beautiful purple inside. 
I removed the vines and set them aside for replanting. 
I flipped over the container to make it easier to remove the tubers. They were quite large, but about half were rotten. We had a typhoon at the beginning of the month and had a lot of rain, which I suspect caused the tubers to go bad.
These are quite large. I placed them outside in a shaded area to cure. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


Though it is okay to pick 50% of the Asparagus the second year, I have left these alone and recently I have noticed the sprouts are getting thicker. Next year they should be perfect and ready to pick.


We had a typhoon that lasted quite a while (1-7 August). Most of my trees had damage, but the Guava fared well. I estimate 30% of the smaller fruit were knocked off, but many of the larger fruit made it. Go figure!