Friday, April 29, 2022

Passion Fruit (Yellow)

Yellow Passion Fruit started to flower a couple weeks ago. Initially there were only 20-30 flowers blooming everyday, but for the past 10 tens over 100 flowers a day have bloomed. I estimate there are 500-700 fruit on the vine. I can't wait until they are ready.


I have six Celery plants and all are doing well, but I find it difficult to use that much Celery. As you can see from the base of the stock, I just cut off the stocks when I need them and the plant keeps growing. So, in the end I think two plants were sufficient. 

Soybean (Edamame)

Planted three Soybean (Edamame) plants on 28 April.



These Asparagus were planted in December are doing well. They continue to produce new stems and getting stronger. Too bad I have to wait a year to start picking some.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Green Peppers (Piman)

These two small Green Pepper plants are full of fruit.
I picked 12 Peppers and left five smaller ones to continue growing.


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Peach Tree

(04/14) This Peach tree is starting to blossom again. 
(04/28) Two weeks later there are Peaches.

Daikon Radish

I pulled another Daikon Radish. Absolutely flawless! I'm growing them is a container that is not so deep so have to harvest them a little early, but they are much sweeter when young, so no complaints. 

Passion Fruit

My yellow Passion Fruit are starting to flower. For the past week or so nearly 30 flowers a day have been blossoming and fruit is hanging all over. Unfortunately, I let this particular location get out of control and the vines are so thick, so I might lose some fruit due to the fact I might not see them. However, the fruit will turn yellow and make it easier to find compared to purple Passion Fruit.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Umbrella Tree

An Umbrella tree my daughter bought from a Dollar store seven years ago.
Above are three clones of the original plant.
Another clone.

Guava (Red)

Guava (Fantastic aroma)



I'm getting a few Strawberries a week and still testing the bag experiment. I'm finding the Strawberries placed in a bag tend to get larger, but taste and appearance are not greatly impacted. The Strawberry at the top left was in a bag and the other two were not. The center one looks flawless.


These are Bougainvillea cuttings taken last year on 11 April. At one point the leaves dried up and fell off. I was not sure they survived, but pleased to find they all made it and some are actually blossoming.


Friday, April 1, 2022

Japanese Sweet Potato (White Satsumaimo)

These Sweet Potato slips were planted on 17 March (2-weeks ago) and are starting to grow. Sweet Potato clippings grow roots extremely fast. A cutting placed in water will start producing roots in a matter of days. It has been raining nearly everyday which is a great time to plant slips.